By Nestor E. Arellano
At one moment the giant video billboard on Time Square in New York was showing the picture of a nondescript building. The next moment, Toronto developer Adi Isakovic fiddled with the touchscreen of his iPhone to replace the image with a video bookmark php clip of his miniature French Poodle, “Cookie.” A few second later, the image was replaced by a live stream video of Isakovic which was shot by his wife Tania with her own iPhone.
The application, called , was developed by Isakovic. It allows people using a smartphone or computer to control YouTube video playback on another machine. For this to happen, the target machine needs to be connected to the users TubeMote video account which contains the video.
It was not that the small screen of the iPhone itself is controlling the billboard, Isakovic explained, but rather the mobile device acting as a bridge between the TubeMote channel and the billboard.
Despite this explanation that appears to tone bookmark php down the role of mobile devices, there is no denying how the tiny screens we hold in our hands daily are rapidly changing how the daily occurrences of our lives play out.
“The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us.â€
That was from an internal memo from Western Union in 1876. Today one of the major initiatives of the former U.S.-based telegraph company is revitalizing its money transfer business with the use of and .
Mobile phones today command an unprecedented predominance over our lives. Mobile phones now number more than 5 billion worldwide. There are more than 24 million cell phones in Canada today and about 50 per cent of phone connections in the country are wireless.
In a recent poll of cell phone users, – Marketing to your consumers in a world gone mobile, found that more than 36 per cent of mobile phone users never turn off their phones and always have the devices bookmark php beside them. Last year, Canadians sent more than 163 million text messages a day.
The public’s love affair with cell phones is amazing. We spend more time with them than our significant other and perhaps convey our thoughts to them more often.
Just as spouses tend to alter the way we perceive things and react, our mobile devices, in a span of 30 years or so have altered consumer behaviour.
Back when we didn’t have cell phones, I remember setting up a primary meeting place and a back up meeting place (just in case I run late) when going out with classmates. Today time and place appear so fluid with my teenaged kids. Nobody seems to have a plan or if they do it could be changed with a simple text message. Not one of these kids appear to need any directions, they have a map bookmark php and GPS apps on their phones.
If Internet access, Web services and computers gave rise to a generation of multi-taskers, mobile phones are creating a generation of multi-taskers on the run.
Not more than five years ago, interactive and social media experts began harping about the need for companies to . “Your customers are in the social net and you need to be there to reach them,†the marketing mantra.
The social network is rapidly moving from our computer screens to our touchscreen devices. Businesses now have to refocus their efforts to include . Gone are the days, when marketers had the sole power to “push†their message out to the consumer.
“In the mobile world consumers are no longer waiting for marketers to tell them what they should buy. Consumers are the ones ‘pulling’ in information they want through mobile devices,†according to Martin.
But this ability to “pull†will no longer be enough, as Isakovic’s demonstration illustrated.
Many surveys indicate that Canadians are predominately sticking to the phone, texting and alarm clock features of their cellphones. I believe that attitude is quickly changing.
Today’s smartphone users will soon grow weary of pinching and sliding their touchcsreens. It won’t be long when mobile users will want to be able to “push†as well and deliver more of their own content to whomever, whenever and wherever they want. The business than can help consumers facilitate this will hit a goldmine.
After all, the screen space of 5 billion mobile phones is a whole lot bigger than the screen in Times Square.
Bookmark php Are you standing between your tech start-up and success?
By Francis Moran and Leo Valiquette
“Nothing disheartens me more than meeting an entrepreneur in B.C. who says his ambition is to one day conquer the Ontario market,â€Â , general partner at and co-founder of the, told us in an interview a bookmark php few months back.
While building a globally competitive company may not be the right objective for everyone, Lee makes a key point. For any venture to succeed, its founders must have a vision that will stretch the boundaries of what they know and challenge what they believe is attainable.
But there is more to this business of entrepreneurship than being able to see, and seize, opportunity. Once a technology innovation worthy of exploitation has been identified, an entrepreneur’s success or failure will depend largely on how ready they are to take counsel and challenge their own assumptions and deeply held beliefs. In other words, are they coachable?
Later in this series, we will test the stereotype that there are different “cultures of risk†from one country to another – for example, between Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. – that impact entrepreneurial success. But in this installment, we will focus on entrepreneurs themselves. It’s about who they see staring back when they look in the mirror each morning, rather than the environment in which they find themselves operating when they walk out the door.
In a , , a partner at Montreal-based , talked about the difference between “convergent†and “divergent†thinking. Research often tends to be about convergence – having a problem to solve or premise to challenge. Divergence, on the other bookmark php hand, is looking at all the avenues that could be taken to an objective. According to Stokes, a “good†entrepreneur needs a commercial mindset that is a balance of both to create innovative solutions to existing problems.
Entreprenuers should be ready to question their own assumptions and be prepared to welcome counsel from other experts.
“I would much bookmark php rather work with someone with a good idea who is coachable, than someone with a great idea who is not,†said , president and CEO of Waterloo’s .
Getting technology to market, after all, is an exercise in sweating blood. Even the most strategic thinker can become lost in the minutiae of the daily grind, caught up in stomping out one brush-fire or another. But from a marketing and product-development standpoint, successful entrepreneurs and nascent management teams must be able to step back on a regular basis and ask the hard questions to ensure they are still in tune with their target market and getting the timing right.
For , CEO of , timing is everything.
“It bookmark php is always a good time to bring something to market if you time it right,†he said.
Levering mentor capital
Getting it right is a far less painful and pitfall-ridden process if one seeks out the sage advice and sound wisdom of those who have proven, through their own successes and failures, that what they have to say is worthy of consideration. While PerspecSys’s founders were already experienced in launching a new venture and getting technology to market, they still saw the merits of getting plugged in with organizations that could provide the access to additional expertise, insight and counsel, not to mention sources of potential funding, such as Communitech and the C100.
For , a general manager with , a mentor-driven seed-stage investment program that operates in various U.S. cities, this “mentor capital†is often a more valuable resource for a startup than cold hard cash and the best insurance against avoiding the missteps that typically cause a startup to stumble.
“When we see companies at an early stage work with mentors, all those problems end up cut off,†she said. “Talk to as many people as you can possibly humanly talk to … The more people you will talk to, the less pitfalls you will fall into.â€
This, of course, also applies to what is happening around the water cooler and within the board room. Much has been written on the subject of how diversity, be it in terms of gender, ethnicity, industry experience or skillset, is crucial to building a strong, dynamic management team.
Having a good balance is very important,†said Campbell. “You need a healthy debate with a diverse team of people who are right and left of center.â€
‘Get out there and fail fast’
Success is never guaranteed. Failure, in some measure, is inevitable. In a recent column published by , academic, writer, researcher and entrepreneur talked about what makes the culture of Silicon Valley so unique and so supportive of entrepreneurship. While his comments were not intended to define what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, much of what he said could just as easily be used to describe some of the winning characteristics anyone engaged in bringing technology to market would be well advised to cultivate within themselves.
“In the Valley, techies are far less secretive and are generally helpful to one another,†he said. “Silicon Valley cherishes failure — because people understand that building a technology company requires experimentation; that it takes trial and error to perfect a technology and business model; and that you learn from failure.â€
Entrepreneurs must be accepting of their own failures and have the courage to recognize when something has failed or is at risk of doing so. If being coachable is one of the most valuable characteristics of a “true†entrepreneur, then it goes to reason that the most important coach is sometimes your gut, which is often too easily ignored.
It takes grit to step back, take stock and admit that all your time and effort to date may be taking you and your company in the wrong direction, then to regroup and get back to the drawing board without getting discouraged. Failure should be seen as an opportunity for growth.
“Get out there and fail fast,” said Lee.
How has challenging yourself and learning from failure helped you to successfully bring technology to market?
In our next installment, we will collate some words of wisdom that have emerged from our interviews for this series.
This is the seventh article in a continuing series that examines the state of the ecosystem necessary to successfully bring technology to market. Based on dozens of interviews with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, angel investors, business leaders, academics, tech-transfer experts and policy makers, this series looks at what is working and what can be improved in the go-to-market ecosystem in the United States, Canada and Britain. We invite your feedback.
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Sony ericsson bst 37 battery retail packaging Facebook, not Twitter, is the social network for revolutions
Facebook, not Twitter, is the social network for revolutions
Twitter often gets the credit for being the modern-day sony ericsson bst 37 battery retail packaging digital medium that captures disasters, protests as they unfold – 140 characters at a time.
The micro-blogging service that was designed to be simple enough to use via SMS message has been the focus of much media attention over the last couple of years as journalists grapple with the changes social media has made to the way we codify dramatic world events. It’s fascinating to see how easy-to-use digital tools have been embraced by citizens around the globe and become an effective tool for documenting highly important events from the grassroots level. Never before has so much information been available in such a timely fashion, from so many sources, so quickly after the event.
There’s no denying social media’s user-friendly multimedia content generation makes sony ericsson bst 37 battery retail packaging it a powerful tool to publish information about disasters such as Japan’s recent earthquake and tsunami, or Egypt’s peaceful revolution that ousted President Hosni Mubarak. But is anyone really paying attention?
Not that many Canadians are, according to a recent poll conducted for by Delvinia Data Collection. When asked how they were staying informed about ongoing protests in the Middle East, 60 per cent of Canadians say they used only traditional media (such as radio and TV) to follow the events. One quarter of Canadians used both social media and traditional, and just two per cent used exclusively social media. About one in 10 Canadians said they “don’t follow the events at all.â€
This poll of 1064 respondents was conducted for The data was collected from March 25th sony ericsson bst 37 battery retail packaging to March 28th. AskingCanadians is an online survey community with a panel of more than160,000 members across Canada.
It seems that media invented in the 20th century is still the most popular method for tracking how events unfold in the 21st century. For those that do, you might assume Twitter is the preferred social network to glean information about protests. After all, the medium was built to deliver real-time updates to a mass audience.
Twitter started getting a lot of attention for its usage as a tool of protest in 2009 during Iran’s protests to the reelection of sony ericsson bst 37 battery retail packaging President Mahmoud Amhadinejad. The revolution is now often called “The Twitter Revolution.†But, according to Canadian opinion, it looks like that may be a misnomer.
For those that do use social media to follow the Arab Spring, Facebook was by far the most popular, with 68.7 per cent of Canadians saying they used it specifically to follow the protests. The next most popular was YouTube, being listed by 46.9 per cent, and Twitter came in third at 27.9 per cent, followed closely by blogs at 22.8 per cent.
Facebook did get some credit for being a medium of dissent in the recent Egyptian revolution. One Egyptian man even named his newborn daughter “Facebook†to recognize the social networking site’s role in organizing youth protests. This stuff can only happen in the 21st century.
Joining the AskingCanadians panel is free to Canadians who are in the age of majority in the provinces they reside, or have the permission of their parents or legal guardian. is the sister community in Quebec.  is owned and operated by Delvinia Data Collection for more information go to .
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April 07, 2011
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Throughout his career, both in Canada and the U.K., has been a champion of entrepreneurship as a vector for the commercialization of g zed mobile skin honeycomb iphone4 pink advanced technologies. As demonstrated by his concurrent roles as executive director of a number of non-profit emerging-growth venture-fostering organizations including the , CEO of Fusion and a director of Precarn Inc. and the , Bryan takes an active role in the entire entrepreneurial spectrum from idea-generation to financing to liquidity event.
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April 04, 2011
Samsung cad300abe car charger bulk packaging The media tablet ecosystem race
By Phil Newman
When the iPad was finally revealed in 2010, it took time for the samsung cad300abe car charger bulk packaging market to know how to categorize the device; everyone settled on simply creating a new category.
One year on, the lead that Apple has is a replay of its iPod-iPhone momentum, but Google’s Android caught up quickly. This year will be a truly fascinating one of winners and losers. Not interested? You should be. Media tablets have re-written the rules.
iPad. You can do everything you want on one really. If you’re a high-end originator of Photoshop masterpieces or an individual with particularly fat fingers, you might not be so convinced, but if you try one for a reasonable period of time you’ll start to get frustrated with the boot-up time of your old laptop, the lack of software apps to enhance your entertainment or productivity and the whole battery-cable-charger-airport-connectivity thing.
Give the human race 20 years and the laptops we all lug around will seem as ancient as the clay tablets the Assyrians used to record cuneiform lists of goats, gold and slaves. We’re witnessing the next evolution of computing and something on par with the mouse and graphical user interface computing milestones of the 1970s.
Tablets are more in tune with the way we all consume and interact with data. Are you a samsung cad300abe car charger bulk packaging reviewer or an originator? If you think about how you shuffle emails and comments up and down the food chain from the comfort of your queue at Starbucks, you’ll recognize that we have become much more accepting of the cloud and computing convenience. Remember when people used to print out and file emails for their records?
According to the (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Media Tablet and eReader Tracker, vendors shipped 4.8 million units globally in the third quarter of 2010, compared to 3.3 million units in the second quarter. Apple’s iPad represented nearly 90 percent of the media tablets shipped worldwide in 3Q10.
“The media tablet market’s rapid evolution will continue to accelerate … with new product and service introductions, channel expansion, price competition and experimentation with new use cases among consumers and enterprises,†said IDC’s , research director, mobile connected devices.
So what about your eReader Kindle: Does it factor in to this multi-million-user revolution? Well, no. According to IDC, media tablets are tablet-form-factor devices with color displays larger than five inches and smaller than 14 inches running lightweight operating systems (such as Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android OS) and based on either x86 or ARM processors. samsung cad300abe car charger bulk packaging
By contrast, tablet PCs (think full Windows) run full PC operating systems and are based on x86 processors. Media tablets support multiple connectivity technologies and a broad range of applications, which differentiates them from single purpose-focused devices such as eReaders. That’s where your Kindle comes in (if you still have one).
So, keeping a focus on the media tablet market, the train has well and truly left the station and there are many vendors looking to stoke up to catch the next train. Google’s Android operating system for smartphones when deployed on a tablet was a pretty desperate grab at the handrail of the last carriage on the Apple express. Samsung’s initial Galaxy Tab was pulled from U.K. market after a high level of returns, while Toshiba’s Folio device was withdrawn completely. Neither offering was as intuitive and popular as Apple’s iOS.
Google’s new Android operating system for tablets, codenamed Honeycomb, is the next wave of development. Motorola is expected to release a media tablet running on Honeycomb called the Xoom, while Research in Motion (RIM) will start marketing is its BlackBerry PlayBook slate. Hewlett-Packard will concentrate its efforts on a device that runs its own WebOS operating system. Good luck with that one, HP.
Apple has more than 350,000 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, while 60,000 apps are specifically designed for the iPad. samsung cad300abe car charger bulk packaging Android has approximately 130,000 apps, most of them having been designed for smartphones, great for Android’s Nokia-killing handset manufacturers, not so good for media tablets. Google will have to encourage developers to create apps for the new Honeycomb OS, as will RIM.
RIM announced that it plans to introduce in-app purchases, which is smart; this gives developers the ability to up-sell enhancements and smaller upgrades between major version releases, which helps to sustain churn revenues. “It will be a smaller ecosystem of players led by Android and Apple in the near term,â€, mobile analyst at , commented recently in the Financial Times. RIM’s Blackberry is currently the U.K.’s most popular smartphone for business users, so they know what they’re doing.
An interesting development of these market shifts is the channel. Apple sells direct and has direct relationships with customers via its online and high-street stores. Other players will have to navigate the support and manage the challenges of working with third parties – resellers, retailers and developers. Yet again, Apple appears to have got it right. It has never cracked the corporate market, however, although with its ownership of its own chipset, hardware, software, OS and digital content, this could be the company’s chance to really take its share of the corporate marketplace from the old guard of laptop manufacturers such as Lenovo, Toshiba and HP.
Looking forward, IDC forecasts 44.6 million media tablets will ship in 2011, with the U.S. representing nearly 40 percent of the total. In 2012, IDC forecasts worldwide shipments of 70.8 million units. Growth in 2011 and beyond will be driven by device vendors introducing media tablets based on Android and other operating systems, as well as price and feature competition and strong demand in both the consumer and commercial segments.
For the e-reader market, IDC anticipates 2010 to close at 10.8 million units shipped worldwide, with the U.S. representing 72.4 percent of global shipments. IDC forecasts 14.7 million units to ship in 2011 and 16.6 million in 2012.
What does this mean for us all? It means that computing has changed in the space of a year – the desktop, the laptop and the smartphone have become integrated. This is a great time to build new applications and revenue. It’s also time for corporations to start planning IT strategies around mobile devices for the whole shooting match – security, AV, application version control, licensing, HR, surf control, proprietary app conversion and so forth.
The market will change before our eyes this year and next. Ignoring these developments is not a great idea.
This is the first contribution by , a London-based marketing and commercialization strategist for technology companies.
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April 02, 2011
Videotron unlock code by imei Why I won’t replace my iPad with an iPad 2
Why I won’t replace my iPad with an iPad 2
By Yale Holder
Apple released the latest version to its super videotron unlock code by imei which went on sale on March 11 in the US. The iPad 2 is expected to be .Â
If you are like me you will be asking yourself, should I stick with the iPad or should I upgrade to the iPad2? And if you will be purchasing the iPad for the first time then you will be wondering which one you should choose. Let’s examine the two versions of the iPad.
The differences
While there are 3 main differences between the iPad 2 and the iPad, the similarities are a lot more common. They both have same screen size and display (1024 x 76
, the same storage options, same videotron unlock code by imei number of connections (Wifi, Wireless), and they both have the same battery life. So what are the key differences?
- The iPad 2 has a front and rear facing cameras while the iPad does not have any, so you can use Facetime on your iPad and other applications if needed
- The iPad 2 has display mirroring which allows you to connect your HDMI port to your HDTV and display your iPad on your TV screen
- The iPad 2 has an improved graphic display, and gyroscope for a better gaming experience
There are other smaller differences, like the fact that the iPad 2 comes with a faster processor, specifically to support gaming apps, comes with Black AND White (the iPad only comes in Black) colors and its a bit thinner. These differences don’t seem that major to me and the benefits of the faster processor is only seen with intense apps like gaming. If you take a side by side comparison of the specifications for the two products you notice very videotron unlock code by imei little differences between them.Â
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To upgrade or not to upgrade?
Given these differences here are my 5 reasons for not upgrading:
- My understanding is that with an OS version 4.3 upgrade the iPad should also have display mirroring. If I’m wrong then there is an APP called “Display Out†for the iPad which does the same as display mirroring
- Gaming isn’t big for me, if it is for you then I recommend you get the iPad2 but for my uses, this is a non factor
- Facetime is a cool feature, but I don’t see myself using the camera on the iPad when I can use videotron unlock code by imei my phone to take pictures and frankly I use Skype to communicate from my notebook at specified times with my family. And to make facetime work they need an iPhone or an iPad, so for me, its a non-starter
- The iPad is $100 cheaper than the iPad 2, the real question is – Are the latest enhancements worth the extra price? For me the answer is no
- Finally the iPad currently will not be the main device in my life as I still need a computer, so given this fact most of the advanced features I will use on my notebook computer because it is where I spend most of my time. This also brings in another debate, , but that’s another blog?
In short, the iPad will be sold at a discount to the iPad 2 ($100 less), comes in the same package, has most of the features of the iPad 2 and the additional features which do come on the iPad 2, I’m not buying. So for me the upgrade question is simple, not now.
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